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Visa® Gift Card

At this time, we have discontinued the sale of Visa gift cards. Current cardholders may call (866) 902-6082 to activate their card and manage their card activity.

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Important alert:

Due to a system processing issue with our gift card service provider, we have discontinued the sale of Visa gift cards. We are exploring options for resuming this service in the future and apologize for any inconvenience.

Using your gift card

Before using your gift card, review the Visa Gift Card Cardholder Agreement on our Account Disclosures page and sign the back of the card.

  • magnifying glass Manage your card activity

    Call (866) 902-6082 to activate your card, check your balance and transaction history, dispute fraudulent charges, and lock or unlock your card. While locked, your card will be declined for purchases.

  • globe Use worldwide

    You can use your card at any participating U.S. or international merchant that accepts Visa cards and magnetic stripe transactions.

  • Use as debit and credit

    You can use your card as either debit or credit. Debit transactions require you to enter your PIN, while credit transactions require your signature to authorize the purchase.

What to do if your card is declined

If your SECU gift card is not working as expected, you may do one of the following:

  • Call the toll-free number, (866) 902-6082, on the back of your card, for registration support; balance, account, or transaction inquiries; requests to lock or unlock your card; and all other SECU gift card related requests.

  • Contact SECU Member Services Support toll-free at (888) 732-8562 for assistance.

For closed cards with a balance, call (866) 902-6082 for assistance with submitting a refund request for the remaining balance on your gift card.

Frequently asked questions about Visa gift cards