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SECU Financial Status

Review our 12-month financial summary.

2025 monthly financial summary

State Employees’ Credit Union (SECU) remains in strong financial condition. Loans, capital, and deposits grew over the past twelve months. In addition, delinquencies increased but remained manageable. SECU members benefited from solid financial results which continue to provide for a safe and sound institution.

Below is a summary of some of the financial highlights over the past twelve months:


 January 2024January 2025ChangeAdditional information
Assets1$54.5 billion$53.8 billion↓ $0.7 billion1% Decline
Loans$33.2 billion$35.1 billion↑ $1.9 billion5% Growth
Deposits$44.8 billion$48.6 billion↑ $3.8 billion8% Growth
Capital$5.28 billion$5.47 billion↑ $195 million4% Growth
Loans/deposits75%73%2% lowerN/A
Loans charged off0.66%0.63%0.03% lowerMember loan losses have remained at less than 1%.
3+ Month Delinquency21.12%1.71%0.59% higherLoan delinquencies have risen as members experience financial difficulties.
Additions to Capital Reserves during the 12-Month Period$337 million$195 million$142 million lowerContributions to capital reserves decreased from last year. SECU continues to maintain substantial reserves and meet regulatory requirements.
Expenses to assets2.20%2.30%0.10% higherThe operating expense ratio increased due to investment in resources to benefit our members.

SECU remains safe and sound. Deposits held at SECU are insured by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA).

We will continue working to help you with your financial goals, and thank you for the opportunity to serve you.

SECU Financial Statements are available upon request at your local branch

Additional information is available in our Annual Reports.
